Monday, January 19, 2009

Sage-ing the White House

Finally another sign of life from the overloaded Pagan Pundit. Between the looming advent of tax time, house guests, and assorted challenges I won't detail here, I haven't been able to think of anything but my book manuscript, continuing house repairs, and being a supportive spouse. But, just in the nick of time, I want to pass on something I heard on the Rachel Maddow Show (9 p.m., MSNBC, Monday through Friday) a few days ago.

One of her guests, comedian Kate Clinton, spread the word that she, a rabbi and a shaman, and whoever else wants to join them, will be gathering at 6 p.m. tonight at Dupont Circle in Washington D.C., which is as close as security precautions will allow them to get to the White House, to burn sage and other cleansing herbs and do a cleaning and banishing on all the bad intentions, bad vibes, bad actions and bad ju-ju dumped upon our nation these past eight years.

There's no way I can get to D.C., but I intend to be out in my yard at 6 p.m. Eastern time burning whatever my intuition tells me to burn and doing a banishing and cleansing ritual of my own. Probably walking counter-clockwise around the house, at least! For the few, the enduring, the proud who follow my blog, may I suggest you do the same, either at 6 p.m. Eastern time or at whatever time suits your schedules before the inauguration of President Obama (doesn't that sound great?) at 11:56 a.m. tomorrow, January 20th.

Of course, the key is not only to smudge and cleanse for all we're worth, but to rally our best energies to do our part, each where and when we can, to turn this country around and move it toward its greatest potential, not its worst. I think it's possible.

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