Friday, November 21, 2008

About Harm

Just a little food for thought. Here's a little excerpt from the book "When, Why...If," by Robin Wood, which I mentioned in my previous post. It's drawn from the chapter titled "Harm," and explains some things about the paramount rule of Wicca, the Wiccan Rede: "An it harm none, do as ye will."

"Eight words the Wiccan rede fulfill,
An it harm none, do as ye will." (Traditional)

"An it harm none. [As you probably know, "an" in this archaic usage means "as long as."]

"As long as you harm no one, you are free to follow your own will.

"But what does that mean, "Harm no one?"

"The dictionary defines "harm" as "hurt; injure; damage, physical or moral."

"I define "harm" as interfering with another's free will; lessening someone's freedom of choice; causing unnecessary injury; damaging someone, physically, mentally or spiritually; or wantonly destroying something.

"And don't forget, when you are trying to figure out if an action you are contemplating will cause harm, that you are exactly as important as any one else. In other words, don't harm yourself, either!

"So what sorts of actions cause harm, by my definition?

"Forcing someone to take a certain path, whether by mayhem, manipulation, or magic.

"Think about it, dear friend.

"Any time that you count your will more important than the will of another, you are harming them.

"Whenever you decide that what you want is what you will get, no matter what, you are harming someone.

"Whenever you go off half-cocked, and hit someone with your fists, your car, or your words without thought, without love, without regard for what it may do to them, you are harming someone.

"Whenever you thoughtlessly go your own way and never notice those around you, there is a good chance that you will harm someone before the sun sets.

"And whenever you harm someone, three times the harm will return to you; whether you meant to harm them or not, whether you knew you harmed them or not, whether you believe in all of this stuff or not.

"Sometimes it's easy to tell that you are going to harm someone.

"Sometimes you have to think long and hard to figure it out.

"That's why you must have your mind with you at all times.

"You have to think at all times.

"And you have to review all the facts honestly, with love."

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