Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Obama Drama?

Will he or won't he? Will she or won't she? All sorts of speculation about whether or not Barack Obama will choose Hillary Clinton as his Secretary of State. When my cleaning team was here yesterday -- yeah, we've budgeted a cleaning service every two weeks ever since we got hitched, we both hate housework -- one of the ladies complained that it seemed Obama was surrounding himself with people who were more of the same old same old. I can't argue with her too much. I know all the rationales -- the Clinton people are the last Democrats who were in the White House so they know the ropes and Obama has to hit the ground running, so he needs them, or at least some of them -- but the general idea makes me as uneasy as it does Ruth the cleaning pro.

And I can't say I'm thrilled about the idea of Hillary Clinton, less because of her -- though her vote for the Iraq War still sticks in my craw -- than because of the skeletons I fear may continue to fall out of her husband's closet. More his business associates than any "bimbo eruptions," as they called them in the '90s.

My hope is that the Obama team will leave it as it is, not add much more ballast from the Clinton years. The last thing this country needs at this precarious point in its history is to lose hope, get cynical, and turn away from our soon-to-be president, believing he's just more of the same. And I send a wish to all the deities that may be that not too many Republicans are added to the Obama Administration either. We didn't vote for them, and we don't want their discredited ideas distorting both the image and the substance of this new beginning.

I'm sending e-mails to every lawmaker I think might actually get at least a tally of voter sentiment on various issues. But I'm too old to be super-hopeful that, to name the most immediate case in point, Joe Lieberman (Senator from Connecticut, for those of you who aren't political junkies) will actually lose his Senate committee chairmanship for his consistent, obnoxious and mendacious trashing of Obama during the election. He should. And when he's let off without any punishment, the Democrats will once again look like wusses, and amoral ones at that. Not good.

More on morality in my next post.

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